
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Western Ghats of Kottigehara on clear day

It is no surprise that Charmadi Ghat enamours the travelers along its stretch during monsoon season. You will see zillion videos flying around social apps to portray the beauty of charming rainforest. But, here is a different look on a clear morning. The sky above the rainforest is crystal clear due to pleasing AQI thanks to the diverse fauna covering region. We had an opportunity to photograph the early morning scenes of Charmadi Ghat during our year-end drive towards native.

Our travel to native started with early morning drive from Bangalore. We reached kottigehara at 8:30AM which was nearly breakfast time. The late sunrise of winter shed magical light on hills and thus providing us a chance to photograph. Unaware of open eateries during early hours, we had packed our breakfast from home thanks to diligent work of my better half. This enabled me to shoot some pictures of sun light cutting through hills while having breakfast open.

Once breakfast concluded, the drive further West opened up majestic views of ghat lit by gentle sun. The car was ambling through the path of rainforest to rejoice the glory of nature. Every bend was worth cherishing! The atmosphere was haze-free crystal clear. Thanks to absence of  cirrus clouds, the rainforest was glowing from the fitting sunlight which was neither dull nor harsh. The morning had cleared the fog which was booster for taking photographs. The greens were shimmering, the sky was flaunting its blue, the birds were chirping, the wind was gentle. The infinite horizon seemed finite with clear view as if someone had recently wiped the sky with clean clothes. The layered hills draped in green, ornate with morning light and the crest of hills were glowing with amber hue.

Clean air, thin light, clear skies and charming nature over Western ghats of kottigehara. Heard calls of yellow browed bulbul, vernal hanging parrots, hill myna and rufous babbler throughout descension. The seasonal waterfalls were on the brink of pausing till next monsoon season. Some of which were partially alive were occupied by truck drivers and travelers. Can't wait to welcome monsoon season to revive the mood of rainforest! Till then, hope you enjoy the crystal scenes!

On return journey, I caught this picture and termed it as "Silence of Rainforest". There was traffic snag in between the ghats. While the wagons were honking to move forward, the rainforest was silently watching the urbanization grow. May be it does not know to express the ignorance of humans for not interpreting nature's lessons. Even if humans do not internalize the lessons of nature, the nature continues to teach them. Perhaps, it would be too late for us when final lessons are delivered.


  1. Love the different shades of blue on the mountain range.

  2. ...I love the layered look to the mountains.

  3. Looks like a great outing. I love the photos with the mountain ridgelines receding in the distance.

  4. I really, really, really, really enjoyed the cyber tour of mountains, roads curving and fresh air. Beautiful layers, ridges, color and black and white format .... just lovely.

  5. Lovely photo tour of the mountains ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
