
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Asian Brown Flycatcher

March 18, 2023

Nowadays Amruthahalli lake is surprise. Recently I wrote about spotting the Common Hawk Cuckoo which was happy to be around humans exposing itself openly. The cuckoo is still hanging around the lake and comes out only after 6PM. The cuckoo was the one who inspired me to carry camera during every stroll!

Initially I missed capturing common sandpiper. That disappointment did not last long! Today was yet another surprise. While sauntering around lake, I spotted this tiny beauty and quickly recognized it as Asian Brown Flycatcher. It was darting all around the thorny bushes in search of evening meal. The foliage was complex and light was feeble which consequently terrified the camera focus. Not even a single picture caught. The bird flew away and I thought hunt is over.

Stepping ahead, the bird showed up again. Whoa! This time over a blooming tree which was relatively bland. It was like bird helped me to click its pictures by moving onto a brighter area where evening sun was shining. I caught couple of pictures before the bird moved to its previous perch point.

The bird was not all shaky with people movement or my angles. Its astonishment was only due to creepy shutter noise of antique 550D. I took some more pictures before moving away. Even though the bird was tiny, the light was feeble and the foliage was complex, the bird's proximity and its immobility allowed me to capture good pictures even with 1/100s shutter. Here is complete set to respect the tiny bravo :-)

Thunderstorms are brewing all over Karnataka. The sky looks amazing with cloud/sun play. Here are some colorful plays to conclude the post.

Hope to see such beautiful avian surprises eternally! The presence of yet another surprise has now mandated me to carry camera during every walk!

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Lovely series of avian photos and awesome sky shots too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Lovely shots of the flycatcher and the sky shots are truly awesome.

  3. captured the little feathered friend well!
