
Monday, March 20, 2023

Flavours of Election

16 March 2023,

Karnataka elections are nearing and political parties are busy luring attention of citizens. Everywhere we see hoardings of elected representatives flaunting their achievements. Many people like me realized that achievements are only on billboards not practically visible. Since code of conduct is yet to be enforced, the political parties are busy conducting camps, development activities and other last minute games to lure attention of people. Let us see how much impression does that make.

The main road near our locality was butchered by plenty of administrative offices including gas pipelines, optical providers, drain repairers. The roads were shoddy and full of potholes. Many of them succumbed to allergies due to engulfing dust from non-bituminous roads. People injured their spines and even lost lives gliding through monster potholes at night. The authorities barely took interest in developing them despite repetitive requests. Finally at the behest of honorable court, the potholes were patched up for name sake.

Here comes elections, the roads are completely being asphalted voluntarily overnight. Today also I witnessed the fresh bitumen on the road surprisingly. I guess only time we smell fresh bitumen is during election times. Its not only the main roads but even the roads of residential colonies are freshly laid. The political parties take advantage of the election period to flaunt their achievement. Our MLA also did same and his  hoardings of achievements are strewed all along our constituency. They flaunt as if the development was carried out with their own money :-D. The tax payers know the reality! Shame on the politicians who claim the achievements from tax payers money. In fact its their duty to address the issues which are affecting multiple people especially roads. Many people broke bones, lost lives and developed allergies due to poor road infrastructure.

For many, the new asphalt was not surprise. As country literacy rate climbs, more people understand the purpose behind overnight achievements. The asphalted roads though look nice but engineered poorly just to sustain till voting day. Perhaps asphalting was bad idea since MET department is hinting at possible thunderstorms over city. The rains would wash away the roads even before voting day which would be misfortune for elected MLA :-D

The elected representatives are chosen for serving people. Ironically, its not the case. They serve themselves like the one I mentioned taking advantage of election time. When battered roads created agony to people who voted them, nobody cared. They were just engaged in in-fighting and offloading responsibilities. The courts had to interfere and these representatives were forced to repair roads. When election bell rings, these representatives voluntarily do things to impress people and indirectly serving themselves. The vicious cycle repeats during every electoral periods and people are becoming aware of this factor as well! As nation becomes increasingly literate hope such incidents do not occur.

The JCB at the heart of executing desilting of Amruthahalli lake is yet another flavour of election. The MLA who belongs to opposition party of incumbent regime, was complaining of non funding for lake couple of years back. Not sure how did it get released during election period :-D. The hoardings strewed all along the Amruthahalli lake (especially the locations where density of people are higher), flaunts his development attitude. Looks like elected people lock funds until the election is declared.

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