
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Tantalizing Rains

We almost stroll along the periphery of Amruthahalli lake everyday with few exceptions. Ancient texts suggests that most of the disease can be avoided or fought by exposing body to sunlight in controlled manner. The evening sun is mild and ideal for body to absorb. Hence we choose evening for our mandatory walk.

From past few days, the evening sky in Bengaluru is shrouded with thick cumulonimbus clouds and thus increasing night temperature and humidity. The fan inside our house is accelerating day by day. The number which stood at 1 is now at 3. With heat increasing everyday, the number may soon reach maximum. However, we are averse to air-conditioning and sustain the heat than fitting AC.

Even though the cloud mass is denser, the rains remained aloof. Although some parts of downtown received heavy rains, there wasn't drop in our area. Such surreal are these thunderstorms. We see flashing troposphere all around but no rains right over our head. The clouds are teasing everyday and rains are tantalizing. The other day it rained south and north of our area but hole in middle :-(. I could clearly see the rain shaft passing over northern part. Hope the rain gods show mercy in our area as well and bless us with divine showers.

The pictures presented in the post are accumulated over two weeks timeframe which portrays varying angles of thunderstorm skies. The beauty of evening sky is evident during the thunderstorm days. The peeking Sun creates majestic crepuscular rays behind clouds. It feels like bird displaying fantail to partner. The skies turn even prettier if it rains! Hope the tantalizing rains soon become a reality :-).

Even though most of the colors are concentrated in western side due to sundown, the eastern horizon also glows with soft light. This provides unique perception and light to photograph! The backdrop of urban structures are the major blemishers of the frame which are dwarfed by nature elements!

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