
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

White Browed Bulbul

19 March 2023,

After elated by spotting the Alexandrine Parakeet, one more surprise was in store while walking out of Jakkur Lake. There was a skittish bird foraging on fruit tree for breakfast. Initially, I saw only red whiskered bulbul. But there was this bird belonging to same group. It was none other the white browed bulbul. The bird was too close which camera could not even focus due to minimum focusing distance constraint. I had to zoom out a bit to picture it clearly.

"Wow! Where was that noise from! Something showering from heaven?!"

The shutter noise is something frightens the birds. The old 550D is currently irreplaceable due to budget constraints :-D. So avian life has to live with that noise for now but without fear! The bird hopped to neighbouring fruit tree after hearing the noise. There it was happily munching the breakfast. Photographing was difficult due to maze of tree branches. I captured few but was not appealing.

These birds were not easy to capture in my native village. Once again a testimony that birds behave as per their territory. The white browed bulbuls at Jakkur lake were undisturbed by human movements and peacefully picking their breakfast. Their only worry was from strange shutter noise of my camera :-D.

A lazy Sunday to conclude. This turtle/tortoise was enjoying the Sunday basking near the boundary of lake. First time I am seeing a tortoise in Bengaluru lakes. Hopefully more of them would help in cleaning the lakes.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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