
Monday, May 15, 2023

Great NeighBird!

A birder in twitter gave the title when I posted picture of Malabar pied hornbill which is dwelling in our village from couple of years. The reply was clear that I have a great neighbor (idiomatically neighbird!). I like the comment and thought of putting into a tiny blog to honor the benign birds. This pair makes visit daily in our backyard inside the forest but hard to photograph due to shyness. In one of the lucky day, I took the picture of female clearly.

The bird later flew to casuarina tree which enabled me to capture clear pictures. The bird spotted me and flew from location

There she goes after spotting the human!

But male, I could only capture the "HornBill"

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Your photo's are really good and your header is smashing.

  2. An incredible looking bird. I like the term neighbird!

  3. We have a lot of shy birds in the Northeast United States in summer, but none that look anything like your bird. Nice capture! Alana

  4. That is one amazing looking bird. Great photos.
