
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Photo Blog - The Stone Blasting halt

The recent commuters along the Shirady Ghat stretch expressed positive opinion on the road conditions which prompted us to drive along the real Bengaluru highway. The decision was worth and drive was smooth.

While on the transit, it was surprising to see traffic pause near Gundya on our way to Bengaluru. When inquired, the labor mentioned the halt is for stone blasting activity. With ongoing Addahole-BC road highway widening, it is usual to see intermittent traffic blockages to facilitate stone blasting. The strong granite stones along the highway need blast process to clear the way.  Unfortunately, we too were stuck and spent 30 mins dilly-dallying.

The scenes thereafter were scary and crushing though. The boulders are crushed alongside our heart also.  This is sure shot landslide hotspot from subsequent monsoons! Most of all, lot of valuable loss incurred due to destruction of mother nature :-(. Hope the need for further widening never arise.

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