
Friday, November 3, 2023

Photo Blog - Brisk Showers

03 August 2023,

Monsoon is turning weird every year. This year its no different. The thunderstorm that were roaring during break monsoon last year are absconding this year. Thanks to steady monsoon winds, they are neither helping monsoon dominated regions nor helping thunderstorm development. Consequently both the regions are under deficient rains or high variance rains. Bengaluru city is no different! Unlike previous year, thunderstorms did not develop for couple of months this year. Also mild monsoon showers are no useful rather we need plenty of rains. August 2nd week seems to be hopeful but no clarity until it materializes. Lets hope for best!

Meanwhile as mentioned, mild monsoon conditions still prevail providing city with evening showers sparingly. Today was a bit different! The ominous clouds poured for 20mins drenching the ground with moisture. We were on a walk at nearby lake were taken aback for a while.

We saw the rain shaft while taking the first round.

But we made good judgement while heading for 2nd round of walk. First and foremost, we had an umbrella and 2nd was we were quick to retreat and head towards to main gate. The abandoned shop near the gate provided good shelter to protect us from pelting rains. We went home after rains completely cleared.

Before heading back, here is picture! The sky was as if "Inconvenience is regretted! Hope you had good time!"

Here are couple of clips. Second clip shows how blinding rains were!


  1. You were smart to retreat. Those skies look threatening indeed!

  2. Heard the downpour. Saw people running to escape being soaked to the skin.
