
Friday, March 8, 2024

Awaiting Thunderstorm season!

The spring seems to be harsh this year in Bengaluru city with aggravating water issue and extreme heat. The tanker mafia is exploiting the situation by quoting astronomical rates for tiny load. The outset of early summer has multiplied the demands of tender coconut water, ice creams and other summer equivalents. The coconut water has recorded new high in terms of rate and expected to increase further. The fans in our house as well revolving with full speed. People are desperately waiting for summer thunderstorm to begin which relieves the water shortage temporarily. The thunderstorms also decrease the electricity consumption.

The thunderstorm apart from healing the wounds of city also heals the souls of photographer. The heavy clouds from elevated buildings are awesome sight to watch and photograph. Also the timelapse reveals the dance of clouds and storm formation. The moving distant rain shafts is another amusement. However, sticking to indoors is ideal when thunder gets intense and rains start pouring! City people are eagerly waiting for thunderstorms to bless the baked city and heal the water problems. There is prediction from weather department of thunderstorms hitting city by end of March. Hope this materializes. The following pictures were taken during last year thunderstorm season. The clouds were near to the apartment terrace. I felt as if I can touch them with hand. The mobile camera could easily capture their details!

These are the scenes we are eagerly awaiting to watch from indoors. The roar of thunder and striking rains of home windows and rhythm of pelting rains. When it pours, the rain water drapes the glass with tiny streams sliding towards the ground. The droplets trickling down the glass doors is another scene to rejoice post rains. 

Here is another video capture from last year!

Hope to see rainy scenes soon! There was hint of thunderstorms couple of weeks. It rained at isolated places but not exceeding 10mm. Some parts of city witnessed light rains but our area saw only cloud cover.


  1. ...I hope that cloud will deliver much needed rain.

  2. Beautifully photographed skies. Water shortage is a scary thing. Hoping for monsoon rains to come soon!

  3. I do like a good thunderstorm but the humidity over Summer is really hard to deal with.
