
Monday, December 16, 2024

Gandhi Bazaar walk, disappointment and rants of taxpayer

We wanted to try different restaurant for Wifey birthday preferably vegetarian buffet. We had inquired previous day. The hotel staff that there is no table booking and its walk-in. Also confirmed that lunch  would prolong till 3:30PM.

The day started with frustration as google maps showed unusual route for certain distance which was clogged with non moving traffic. Finally this route merged with main route. I am still not learning as not to turn on maps for known routes. Perhaps this event was pre-cursor to annoying day

Unfortunately, we were disappointment as we reached the restaurant. The hotel stopped taking admissions from 1:30PM itself which is just 1:30hrs post starting lunch service. The restaurant supposed to be open till 4but they wrapped up by 1:30. May be overcrowding? We were at 1:30PM and there was still 2:30hrs of gap. Poor management I felt.

We had no choice than choosing the neighboring Dwarakamaayi restaurant which was another painful story. Dwarakamaayi cost was high but poor quality food. Lot of things we couldn't eat. Service is good but poor food. Bamboo biriyani is not worth the hype and price. Rabdi and crispy corn were good. Better try only roti curry. I felt Roti ghar would have been better choice than all these hypes if there was better seating arrangement. Difficult to stand and eat with kids.

Vidyarthi Bhavan was as usual crowded for no reasons. We have already lost interest in this place.

Smart city work resulted in wider footpath but narrow one-way road. Difficult to manage on this road.

Despite all blabbering, this place is ideal to enjoy the legacy of old Bengaluru. Gandhi-Bazaar is one such area where the aura of old Bengaluru can be enjoyed.

Flowers are always fresh here!

And the freshness also has dark side. The leftover ones. This guy also seemed to enjoy the afternoon nap over the modern footpath.  Also half of the footpath occupied by street vendors. The smart work was dumped with debris of vegetable and flower vendors.

How the legacy and modernity blends! Jalandhar street is also somewhere near TRENDS showroom. Due to disinterest, I did not catch both restaurant pictures.

The beautiful work is completely shrouded by overparked vehicle and overbooked street stalls. India is not worth squandering tax money on such superficial, worthless projects. Rather provide relief to tax payers. This is what frustrates honest tax payers when income tax department baits by sending notices on trivial FD interests. 

MLCP is being constructed in heart of Gandhibazaar which is good news. There is hardly any parking space currently here.

The best part was greenery of this place. Hardly any sunlight peeps through the canopy! The other best part is legacy of old Bengaluru. Perhaps, authorities should have promoted this street as heritage attraction than spoiling money in modernization projects.

We headed back to home toiling through the infamous Bengaluru traffic. Difficult to manage amidst BMTCs and Autos. We should have taken metro service instead. Now we know how lucky are residents staying near metro stations.

Final picture as why modernization doesn't fit here. Street cart serving breakfast and meals literally litters the clean ground. Problem is not people but politicos who use such people as votebanks than uplifting them. No one wants their progress to keep political agenda eternal.

The auto menace is always going to live in Bengaluru. The driver even though had gap in front refused to move further. He did not heed to my honk to move forward rather stared at me. I too stopped honk after first attempt. Who will fight with morons. The problem with autorickshaw drivers is we need to provide them way even if it involves breaking rules like jumping signal. They roar and infuse street fighting if you do not let them way even when there is no way. On other side, they drive in snails place in middle of road looking for passengers and don't let traffic to pass smoothly. Persistent honks only triggers monsters inside them than allowing smooth flow of traffic.

See that gap! Such gaps will make us wait for additional turn of signal.

Back home with terrible traffic. Dwarakamayi is strict NO from now onwards and is black-listed already by wifey. The stomach bloated pretty badly. The evening walk of 30mins helped us to reduce the bloat to some extent. But the effect of bloating remained till next day evening.

The clouds of Bengaluru during monsoon gives lethargic look. No Sun from long days. Hope it rains healthily in catchment areas this year

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