
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Bird Series - Asian Openbill

Openbill as name points, has open bill even with mouth closed. It looks as if they are smiling always. The purpose of such structure is to handle its prey. Nature does not create anything for fun :-). They are quite good in numbers here at our village and at Hosaadu village. I am amused by their heavy flight and sometimes pity. They struggle during initial flight. Once they gather force, it long flight to distant horizon. Their aligned flight high above in flocks is something endearing to watch. Coming to food practices, I have seen them feeding on the insects in open fields. Other than this, I have seen them only perched high lazing and motionless. Their face movements are also sluggish. I am yet to spot them near water bodies. The pictures are easy grab due to larger body structure, but catchlight is tricky. The darker cover around eye makes catchlight difficult unless you have sufficient natural light on the bird. Here are pictures for you shot when it perched over bland tree and relaxed for a while.

With pond heron!
Hey buddy look up, don't be intimidated by dolt photographer. He can't reach us

Are you still not done sir :-)

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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