
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Bird Series - Black Hooded Oriole

These orioles have beautiful calls than their fellow birds "Golden Oriole" who have screeching call "Krrrrr". I have seen them in backyard quite good number of times. Their plumage is quite attractive due to deep yellow colour and flashy black hood. I love the red coloured eyes which is perfect contrast to black hood. The birds are shy. The pictures I have caught are from our backyard window where they don't recognize my presence :-). I have seen them eating bugs at nearby trees but not fruits. The call is melodious and easily recognizable. Here are pictures from my collection.

How much you click. Now I won't pose for your next click

The bird relishing the bug it hunted. Looks like it did not want to share with anyone. The bird went away from flock, perched on the smaller tree nearby road and was trying to finish the feast fast. Even it did not recognize the humans while meditating on its prey :-). Looked like the flock had a fight over bird behaviour later when it joined them at canopy.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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