
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bird Series - Common Tailor Bird

One of the early raisers with continuous calls of Tuvvi-Tuvvi melody. These agile birds are hard to capture unless you have fast-lens and camera with fast-AF. If you are lucky, they can be near your position at times which you can utilize for shooting some close-ups. Even with 600mm, their agility becomes unmatched. They swiftly jump from branch to branch within millisecond. On fortunate day, this guy momentarily perched over the branch allowing me to capture some decent picture. With slow jumps, he stayed for longer time which allowed me to capture extra pictures to quench my greed :-). Looks  like bird did not notice me or busy relishing breakfast and its song would have dwarfed shutter sound from camera. Whatever may be the reason, now I have them in my frame finally! Their song could be heard throughout the day generally hiding under the canopy and sometimes high on the canopy. I am glad to share their pictures. Despite being common, they are not easy pick for ordinary cameras like mine.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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