
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bird Series - Purple Rumped Sunbird

Yet another agile bird which is daily visitor in our backyard. These birds suck nectar from cashew tree flowers everyday around 10AM. The enjoying part is the bird tweets every time it sucks nectar with joy. I have seen these tiny agile birds umpteen times. Their size and agility is hurdle to capture decent picture of these tiny beautiful birds. The male has colourful plumage relative to female. The male is quite difficult to frame due to dark complexion around the face. The catchlight is visible if there is sufficient sunlight over the face. Most of my pictures are of female since they visit backyard regularly. One fine day, the male perched on a branch in front of me and tweeted. I recognized it and took some shots. The bird was looking at me as if it summoned me to take his picture :-). Within few seconds, the bird flew to higher canopy. Without delay, here are some pictures.

Male first since I have lesser pictures

The sunlight over the face allowed me to captured the bird with visible catchlight

Here goes plenty of female captures!

Ah so yummy!

What was that "click" noise?

Don't know. Let me continue my feast

Let me grab that as well!

Almost done for the day. Lets keep some for tomorrow as well

Today I caught some more pictures of male

Ah! What a joy! 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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