
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Bird Series - Indian Pond Heron

One more comical  bird which I endear facial expressions :-). Most of that time they feed on fishes and hence commonly found near waterbodies. During monsoon season, I have seen them over abandoned fields filled with water to pick the bugs may be. They also feed on insects in dry fields sometimes. I have never seen then swimming or wading through water. Their camouflage is difficult to identify. At times, they flew away from short distance and I was unaware till it took flight. More than anything, I love their expressions :-D. Their perch over ground or squint during human presence is perfect to scribble short skits. Here are some of the pictures caught at my village. They are easy to capture in 300mm lens unless you don't stare at them. The size of their body is good to grab sharper images with crisp catchlight.

Checkout my notional scribble on Pond Heron here

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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