
Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 2021 Fog

26th February 2021,

After February Rains, we have fog at fag end of February! Yes, it was heaviest fog of the winter season. The weather was contrasting. On one side it was humid weather and other side dense fog. Nature can do wonders. Meanwhile, the humidity is soaring and probably is at 80+. It sweats profusely nowadays and the water intake has drastically rose. Here are pictures from today's fog walk along the fields. It felt as if the ground is also sweating via fog :-). Conclusion of monsoon is generally marked by torrential rains for 2-3 days. On similar lines, nature wants to mark end of winter through dense fog :-)

This cattle stopped while being carried to field looking at me :-D. They don't like strangers. It knows me well but the cap I wore made it confused. Later, I walked away from her path and it strolled towards field for grazing. The egrets followed her as well :-D

This egrets on the bland tree at usual basking area. They also got confused with weather due to reduced sunlight penetration.

What a day!

Where are you my SUN :-)

An openbill perched high in canopy

The jungle babblers enjoying morning feast Chapathi (Indian wheat bread) which mother kept near well. I like their socializing behaviour.

The rufous treepie also had a minor share. The human presence hindered it to have additional pieces.

The fog showed quick signs of fading away thanks to sultry weather.

No morning is complete without hearing red-whiskered-bulbul call

Hey buddy! How was my concert today?

And why not, oriental magpie robin song.

Its my turn after bulbul. Stay till its over :-)

As day bloomed, more birds are out of canopy!

The flame throated bulbuls are still here. I thought I would never see them again. What a moment! Looks like they have dwelling in this canopy. Could not get a better picture since it perched high in the canopy

Good morning SUN! Time to walk towards home again to get along with day.

Here is a short clip from today's walk

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