
Friday, February 19, 2021

Bird Series - Oriental Magpie-Robin

One more species of agile bird found throughout India. You can see them in urban areas, fields and in our village as well :-). Unlike sunbird or tailorbird, these are not tiny. Their voice is melodious which could be heard early morning. You can feel their presence by long melodious calls. The attractive part of this bird is their tail which moves up/down quite frequently. Whenever they sense something noticeable or call, the tail jerks and the bird becomes attentive. Sometimes they sound harsh in middle of melodious call. Their pictures are not easy grab unless considerable natural light is over their eyes. This is basically due to black cover surrounding the eye. The cameras find it difficult to meter them unless you are close to bird which is impossible :-D. These birds too are shy and fly away when spotting humans from distance. On fewer occasions, I managed to successfully capture their better picture when the robin was busy looking for something (may be partner). Also I have never seen them in herd rather appear in pair. Here are pictures from my collection.

What a golden morning! Let me start with my beautiful voice

This was shot during brawl. Probably fight was for mating?

Frequently I see them perched on the electric lines

This was captured when they arrive at berry tree nearby during morning hours

This was the closest I could get. The bird was busy concentrating on something else which allowed me to get closer. Even after my photoshoot, it was still perched at same position. Looked pensive and bothered.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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