
Friday, February 19, 2021

Moments of Sunrise - Egrets basking in Sun, the other angle

Hope you would have read my previous post on basking egrets here. At that time, the Sun was raising exactly over the treetop. Few weeks later, as expected, the Sun has moved bit north and I had to change my position to capture them. It is fun capturing egrets and the bald treetop with Sun provides perfect composition. The egrets do perch on that tree trop in group everyday enjoying morning Sun. Here is a set with different angle.

A commotion/alarm sounded by Red wattle lapwing, tempted egrets fly away from treetop. Finally they realized that it was false one. The egrets were back to same position!

That lapwings are signalling something horrific. Lets run for now!

Those ruddy birds are dolts. Even though know that this photo moron comes daily, these guys are still timid. Lets have some more Sun guys!

We have clouds today. Some pictures of those as well to conclude.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries