
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Bird Series - Red Vented Bulbul

I am more biased towards these bulbuls nowadays. These are not timid or sensitive to human movements. Too easy to capture. On a casual cycle ride, I stumbled upon this beautiful bird perched in flower tree. The bird sat low which was easy to capture but the light was low as well. Later when my  position had changed, there was umpteen light to capture crisp image of this bird. The yellow backdrop from coconut tree leaf, provided a nice natural contrast for shooting this bird. Most of all, the bird did not move a tad even when I was changing shooting position. That's the reason, I like them lot. Yes, difficult grabbing has satisfaction but difficulty also has a limitation. On fewer occasions, lets enjoy the easy ones as well! They are an easy grab and sing beautifully too! Here are pictures from yet another lucky day! I am presenting all of them to respect the bird's boldness. Since the maiden spotting, I have been spotting this bird perched on same branch everyday.

Initially, this bird went away due to the commotion created by jungle babblers. The first set of pictures were poor also. I was disheartened to not to get decent ones since this was my maiden spotting of bird. After a while, it came back and perched at the same spot. This time, I was at different position which provided decent pictures of this beautiful bird.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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