
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bird Series - Cormorant

Cormorant are common aquatic birds found in every water body I have visited. They are generally seen in groups perched on tree. Many of them keep wings open to dry their body after fishing. Even though they are common, picturizing them is bit difficult. They are shy and catchlight needs close up shot to be pronounced. Even with considerable sunlight, I find them difficult to shoot in detail. Being fish eating birds, they are mainly present near water bodies. Hence to shoot them, one has to be near water body. There are variants of cormorants which I don't recognize much. Here are some pictures shot at Hosaadu backwaters and nearby seasonal stream at my village. On few occasions, I could grab sharp images of these birds when they did not mind moving closer (or they had confidence that, I cannot cross certain boundary).

This cormorant perched on the twig for quite long time. One behaviour I have seen in them is that they can laze for long time but at same time agile if they sense suspicious movements. It was quite distant from my position due to which I could not shoot a crisp picture despite sufficient sunlight.

Eventually, these cormorants got used to my cycle ride and happily perched nearby when I was taking pictures. Few decent images I have of them

And some more

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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