
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 2021 Rains

If you are saturated with bird posts, here is digression :-D. The February rains appeared finally in our village after tantalizing clouds hovered for couple of days!

21st February 2021

The MET department predicted cloud activity from 16th which would last till 18. The cloud activity though started as predicted, is not showing signs of abating. Today on 21st I am writing after witnessing rare February rains. Even though the intensity was not severe like January rains, the heavy showers gave feel of monsoon season with pelting rains devoid of lightning and thunder. The wind was light and rains were thick. Moreover, the rains appeared during mid day which is quite unusual during pre- monsoon period. I woke up from midday nap and shot quite good number of clips to quench my rain love. The ominous clouds although triggered hopes of rains, is unpredictable at this point of time. There were many occasions during last year when thick clouds gathered and later magically disappeared in quick time. It was pitch dark in afternoon like monsoon season but we were not optimistic on rain. The show began at 2:30PM. The clouds which were hovering over the region from past few days finally culminated in decent  precipitation. The rural rains are attractive to behold. I was fascinated to watch the rains and spent 10 minutes watching them. We hope the unseasonal rains won't affect the seasonal monsoon pattern.

Cloud brewing before rains. Looks promising, but unseasonal rains can be elusive.

I don't have pictures of rain. Lets start with short video of smashing rains.

Once the rains stopped, I went for stroll towards the fields which was refreshing. I spotted one new bird and caught few egrets in flight. One egret was enjoying rain in our backyard (can be seen in clip above). Nothing much could be shoot due to limited focal length. The baked ground had absorbed the rain water in jiffy. Some moisture was still retained beneath the canopy of coconut trees. Once the rains concluded, the birds came back to routine especially jungle babblers with highest commotion. The humidity post rains was high as well.

Cattle Egret in flight pestering cattle for space to pick bugs.

This is my maiden spotting of bird. Think common hawk cuckoo. Looks like the bird was rain drenched. It perched high to dry the body. Later Ashy Drongo chased the bird away.

When events are against you today, you feel like traversing to past to relive the glorious days. Like this bald tree wanting to see its colourful foliage of past to throw away current B&W days. But life is throwing away past, thinking in present and look to the future.

The Sun was back around 4PM

Two days back, the sunset was magnificent. I was yearning for beach visit but was too late. The tantalizing clouds were just participating in sunset fashion show forgetting their actual duty. The clouds sensed my moaning and showered as written above :-)

The day after rains are stupendous. Vibrant mornings ensues overnight rains. I spotted plenty of birds the day after rains. Probably many of them were confused due to unseasonal rains.

On humorous note, I think MET department can promote our region climate from tropical monsoon climate to tropical rainforest climate since the rains appear all 12 months and cumulative crosses 4000mm.


  1. Gorgeous sunset shots! The last three are my favorites.

  2. Greetings and Salutations from Illinois! Agreed "a sunset fashion show." Have a g-r-e-a-t week end.

  3. Gorgeous sky shots. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Wonderful and impressive photos !
    Especially the sky is so beautiful
    My sky
