
Friday, February 5, 2021

Bird Series - Where there is water, there is life

I was especially looking for Kingfishers at my village which I had spotted at a distance on many occasions. They are easily seen near a water body with fishes. Some of them perch near home wells but generally do not prefer due to presence of humans. I have seen them nearby wells during monsoon season but fly away as soon as they sight humans even from large distance. Difficult to capture unless you have telephoto lens beyond 500mm focal length. I have been disappointed on many occasions for not capturing them clearly. Till date, I do not have a decent picture of Kingfisher. Here are some for records.

This common kingfisher takes bath at nearby pond at Hosaadu village. I was delighted to spot it by luck. I have noticed it on couple occasions taking bath exactly around 5:30PM. Not a great picture though.

Wait buddy, still lots of water over my body. Let me dry it up and then you can shoot

All done, now let the Sun do the job. Meanwhile you can continue to shoot from distance

I have been cycling throughout village. Here is a vented dam where I spotted common, white-throated and stork billed kingfisher.

The white throated is somehow difficult to grab clearly from 300mm may be due to its colour combination. I feel that the DSLR sensor struggles to frame this bird owing to its  brownish red face. It sits almost at the same place everyday to hunt its prey.

On rate occasions, I see them perched high on a tree nearby. Even though distant than earlier spot, the sunshine provides higher shutter speed to capture resulting in sharper image with plenty of tones.

The stork billed was hiding behind tree which hindered capturing its complete image. 

The common kingfisher seen perched close when I cycled casually along this path. At that time, I did not carry camera but man I really missed DSLR. That was too close and sat for  longer time. Though it was disappointment, now I know where to reach for shooting kingfishers. This bird generally perches during twilight time and camera finds it difficult to tune shutter beyond 1/100s with ISO 1600. Quite bad setting while shooting at 300mm. The image blurs out leading to utter disappointment. Negative things apart, here are pictures from the dam area built across the monsoon stream shot for record.

Here are pictures of White Throated Kingfisher shot nearby our village house

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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