
Friday, February 5, 2021

Bird Series - Yeah that's the target

Pond herons are known for expressions in my opinion. It makes me giggle while looking at their pictures. I make innumerable stories from their expressions. Today also during my casual cycle ride along the vibrant village roads, I bumped into this curiously staring pond heron waiting for the right time to strike its target. The water was still beside the Jalancharu temple, which makes it possible to concentrate on its prey and provide it ample time to focus on prey. While the bird was busy focussing on the prey, my lens focussed on the bird for sometime before moving on. Here are pictures along with notional talks of heron.

Hey buddy, I need to have dinner so please maintain social distance so that you don't miss out on my picture and I don't miss out prey. There is no one to prepare food like you have at home. I need to feed on my own.

Ah Yes! The target almost locked in my eye. Looks like I will have tasty dinner if that dolt doesn't walk close to me.

Hey buddy I am feeling nervous because of you. Please defocus your lens so that I can focus on my prey. Have a great day and please focus on something you want. I am busy focussing on my meal. Good bye!

Later I moved On. There was some other task in my mind and this scene was totally impromptu. It gave me a story to scribble about :-)

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

1 comment:

  1. ...heron seem to be common around the world, this little one is so different from the ones that we have.
