
Monday, March 29, 2021

Bird Series - Black Drongo

Similar to Ashy Drongo, these birds are stealers. They do by mimicking the voice of Shikra or by aggression. I have seen live when surrounding birds flew on hearing the mimicked voice of Shikra. It seems they constantly cheat myna to steal their food :-). Everyone has their own style of survival. Its not only robbery, they are aggressive too! They feed on insects generally to fill their tummy. Apart from this, I am not sure what they feed upon. Here in Bangalore at Amruthahalli Lake, these birds seen perched throughout the boundary over electric lines and light poles. Their quiet silent but aggressively staring at surroundings. They are not timid either to humans. Unless you approach them too close say 10-20mts, they won't move a tad. The pictures though are hard capture unless backed by sunlight. Despite being nearer, most of pictures turned out silhouetted due to their dark plumage and confused camera metering. Looks like the exposure value of sensor needs to be tuned beyond 0EV to snap them clearly. Lack of contrast between their black plumage and dark red eye is another factor for poor images. You need to get too close to photograph them in detail which can include dark red eye. Here are the pictures which relatively turned  out good with noticeable eye of bird. Their fork tail, larger body and black plumage are key identifiers to distinguish from Ashy Drongo.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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