
Monday, March 29, 2021

Parakeets around Amruthahalli Lake

I never thought that the Bangalore city hosts high number of parakeets. These are the birds adapted well to urban environment and are aware of human movements. Unlike my village, these parakeets are aware of the human limitations to reach them. Hence for photographers like me they are easier to click since the birds rarely shy away when approached closer. Consequently, I have plenty of them in my camera. These birds dwell in coconut tree holes present nearby lake area. Most of that time they are either squabbling or with their partner. Here are pictures from my collection. I am not sure if plum headed parakeets dwell in city.

Following are from casual evening stroll when they perched on bland tree to absorb evening sunlight

Hey! Who is that? What is he doing?

This was taken after above series. Probably the parakeet was guarding home

Here are some during courtship feeding.

Forget about that creeper dear. He has no other work :-). Lets continue our romance! I am having eye on his moves.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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