
Monday, March 29, 2021

Bird Series - Cinereous Tit

These birds are frequently spotted but somehow the poor light always forbid me capturing decent images. They have quite artistic plumage of dull colours (grey, dark and white). The texture is quite  attractive. The calls are melodious as well. Not sure what they feed upon, but I have seen them eating berries at Rachenahalli Lake. Here are pictures which are not detailed but only posted for record. I had mistaken these birds for House Sparrows initially due to sweet voice. I have spotted these birds at many locations in Bangalore near lakebed.

Here are pictures from Amruthahalli Lake. The bird was too close but camera could not focus fast. By the time I snapped couple of pictures, the bird flew away.

Here are pictures from Rachenahalli Lake 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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