
Monday, March 22, 2021

Bird Series - Black Headed Ibis

Now I get doubt if Amruthalli lake is fuelled by city affluent or fresh water :-). I see plenty of birds nowadays. Today I saw more aquatic birds which includes Ibis. These Near-Threatened species were seen foraging on marshy areas of lake. Bangalore is lucky to host these near-threatened birds. I saw it completely submerging its face under mud to fetch its prey. The contrasting face and body with black and white colour is quite noticeable. Here are some pictures from walk along Amruthalli lake. Hope to capture them more in coming days. They feed in middle of lake body which is insufficient for 300mm to get decent image despite the larger body. You definitely need 500mm+ lens to capture them. Let me see if I can rent longer lens for a day :-)

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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