
Monday, March 22, 2021

More Grey Headed Swamp Hen pictures

Probably I underestimated the avian population at amruthahalli lake. This lake is brimming with birds especially aquatic birds like near-threatened black headed ibis and swamp hens. The birds on tree top include even copper smith barbets and parakeets. There are plenty of bush tits which are difficult to capture due to dense shrub growth. Today I had plenty of them in my lens and that too relatively sharper than earlier days. Here are pictures of swamp hen caught closer than ever before.

This guy was busy basking under the Sun. So close to get to the bird. Even the face turned out to be detailed.

Hey buddy! Hope you are just here to shoot my picture, nothing more :-)

And some more from wandering around the periphery of lake.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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