
Monday, March 8, 2021

Bird Series - Purple Heron

I  love it's textured plumage with shiny hair. It's eye is quite striking like other heron. Unlike other herons, this bird seems to enjoy darkness. Most of the time I have seen them near dense vegetation than open. I have been trying to shoot bird but it was never stood facing sunlight. Hence I had lost hope of taking a good shot of this bird. One lucky morning, I was able to shoot them decently but not clear. Hopefully some lucky day will arrive. It's neck and its movement looks like a snake. Here are pictures from that lucky morning

Initially, the bird was at resting position, but under dense vegetation. After some warm up, the bird started to aim its prey. The camera showed max shutter of 1/125s for focal length of 300mm and ISO800, f/5.6. This is maximum aperture opening lens supports for 300mm. The shutter speed was not enough to shoot decent picture for 300mm :-(.

After lengthy rest, the bird began looking for prey.

Some day, I wish catch the detailed picture of these heavily textured and artistic bird when exposed with sufficient light. Being larger in size, the focal length of 300mm should be enough. 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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