
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Rose Ringed Parakeets raiding sesame field

05 March 2021,

The superstition has become firm belief :-). I complained of not snapping parakeets in detail and today I got them in frame clearly :-).  These parakeets were making high amount of noise and pulling plants from sesame field. It looks scary to farming community because there were hundreds of them. Literally swarm of parakeets bombarded the field and plucked the sesame plant for evening snacks. Regarding the birds, they don't seem to shy away when food is needed. I was too close to them and they were boldly cutting the plant to eat. It may be alarming to farmers since they were in high numbers ( I can term crazy high numbers). Here are the pictures from the eventful day!

Hey buddy! You spoil our habitats. We are not retaliating. We do not have any other alternatives to survive. God has created this beautiful world for survival of every creature. However, humans have been surviving for greed. Sorry to spoil you hard work, but where do we go :-(

Hmmm. That part seems to be mature and tasty. Lets have them more!

Who is that clicking?

Hey buddy! Don't call us thieves or destroyers. We just take only up to the need.

How is my pose? Did I come good?

Looks like they arrive daily because I have seen them dwelling at nearby treetop. The loss of habitats inevitably forcing them to invade farmlands for survival. The mature stood firm and plucked something tasty from farmland. The immatures flew away as soon as my arrival. Few of them stayed back may be they were famished.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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