
Friday, March 12, 2021

How close can you get to Kingfishers?

Yes, professional photographers can reach as close as possible with their colossal lenses. But how much can you get closer physically. I could get to kingfisher damn close. I can say approximately 10 meters. The bird stood steady for a while even I moved closer. Even with noise created by kids, this bird stood steady. I grabbed proximate shots today which were damn sharp. This was one truly eventful today for me which seemed liked portrait photoshoot of Kingfisher with multiple angles :-D. The bird is either  habituated to humans or confident that I cannot cross the backwater barrier.  Never seen such amiable Kingfisher so far :-). This is the first time I have seen bold kingfisher posing for camera shot. The bird was constantly jerking its neck and staring around. It stared at me too but still did not bother to move. The backwaters of Souparnika river flourishing with lush mangrove vegetation consists of rich species of birds. It needs plenty of exploration to discover bird tucked away in mangroves.

Tiny bird beauties are difficult for a 300mm lens. But when luck shines, the excitement is inexplicable. We stroll daily along fields but today decided to take the route towards the river which turned to be fruitful and rewarding. I was elated to see final images. Minimum crop, no noise reduction, perfect light and why not detailed image described it. The colours too turned magnificent. Thanks to soft evening light, the picture just turned perfect. Here are plenty of them to enjoy! The bird eventually flew away when honking scooter approached the location.

I can confirm that this was genuinely lucky close up shot. The next day, the bird flew way as I just walked towards bridge.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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