
Friday, March 12, 2021

Bird Series - Shikra

On our concluding day at Hosaadu, a stranger perched atop coconut tree enjoying it meal. The light was low due to which pictures did not turn up well. The bird seemed to be enjoying the early morning food busily. It was Shikra who was enjoying meal. These birds prey on domestic chicks and headache for poultry farmers. The hen makes a strange voice when these birds arrive and take away chicks. By the time owner arrives, it would be too late! When I researched on Wikipedia, LOL! their voice is same as ashy drongos :-). Now I know why the Ashy Drongo is such a big stealer. They mimic the Shikra's voice to chase other birds and steal their food :-). The nature is magic allowing survival capability for every creature. Here are pictures from early morning shoot! Not well detailed as mentioned before.

Ummm.. What a meal today!

Hope no one saw it except this dolt. He is not a complainer, just takes pictures

Hey buddy! Hope  you don't complain. I am happy to pose quietly as kickback :-)

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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