
Friday, March 12, 2021

Bird Series - Loten's Sunbird

Also known as Maroon breasted sunbird, this bird is daily visitor at in-laws house to suck nectar from Ixora flower. I see them daily here but never had camera while it was visiting. This time during afternoon when I had camera nearby, shot this beauty. Only few of them turned great since the bird was under roof implied low light. This bird sat on ixora flower but fidgety bird was impossible to capture. The light was perfect when it sat on flower plant but could not snap any. The rest came relatively good which I am happy with. Its maroon breast, long bill and why not clear photographs were enough to recognize it as Loten's sunbird. Here are pictures

The bird flew away since red whiskered bulbuls chased it. Now my doubt is growing stronger that these Red whiskered bulbuls are jealous of shooting new birds in this area :-). Two of them patrol the area for any new visitors [of-course shorter or equal to them! They can't surmount kites :-D]

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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