
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Should I stay or not

This Asian Openbill is a daily visitor to the open site located near in-laws house at Hosaadu village near Kundapura. Looks like bird finds tasty breakfast here. The openbill along with couple of mynahs share the space to forage on this open field.

Today, during my usual camera walk, I noticed this bird began shooting from closer position standing from house veranda. The busy bird observed me and swiftly lifted its neck and became attentive. The squint was visible. The bird face seemed like "Is that threat to me or not?". The bird was in dual mind as whether to leave the location or stay back. The confusion increased as the bird heard shutter sound of my antique camera. Later I got busy capturing Indian paradise flycatcher and the apprehension of bird cooled off. The bird prolonged its breakfast before leaving.

I think I should leave

Birds smaller in size  looks to be more happy to pose. This Red Whiskered Bulbul perched close so that I could easily shoot it. The below picture is zero cropped! It seemed as if the bird was jealous when I was shooting White Indian Paradise Flycatcher :-D. Yes sir, I know. Birds are not interested even if you don't click them :-)

The Asian Koel was busy gazing at something over banana tree. She did not seem to notice me or ignored

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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