
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Large billed crow from Bangalore

I guess even names of birds need to change as time progresses. These large billed crows pose happily in Bangalore. They are also present plenty in numbers thanks to irrational garbage dumping by garden city people. Consequently, they forage on the human trash which is easy grab. These crows which were known as jungle crow have adapted well to city lifestyle and no more need to be called as Jungle crow. Here are the pictures shot nearby Amruthahalli lake croaking atop the street lamps. These crows are does not seem to be as shy as one found in our village.

Crow symbolizes the vehicle of Lord Shaneshwara in Hindu Mythology. Lord Shaneshwara (Saturn) is believed to be tough taskmaster and hardship giver. To thaw his harsh hardships, people generally pray to Lord Hanuman to resolve the difficulties at the earliest and also to increase the patience during ordeal. Lets have energetic and disciplined pictures of Lord Hanuman also in this post which I see during every walk at nearby temple.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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