
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Happy or Sad ?

30 March 2021

This was first time I got opportunity to shoot Black Drongo at my eye level. On most of the occasions, it used to either perch on electric pole or high mast pole. Despite being closer to camera, the lack of contrast between body and brown eye is something for camera to meter correctly. On this occasion, I had great opportunity to shoot well detailed picture of Black-Drongo. It turned out to be fabulous since the bird was facing the Sun and I was shooting opposite to Sun. This provided enough shutter speed to get a crisp picture of bird. I was elated after viewing the images in computer. Here are for display :-)

Meanwhile, the Black-Drongo seemed to be in grief. The disappointment would have stemmed from the decimation of lake bushes and tiny trees. Perhaps, it lost habitats in the process. The unwanted vegetation which grew along the periphery of lake were cut down and cleaned by authorities as part of annual maintenance activity. However, the avian dwellers which nested in those trees, lost their family. I could see relatively less number of birds during evening walk. May be Black-Drongos were also victim of clean-up activity. I could notice the Black-Drongo couple anxiously flying between trees. Hope my assumptions turn out to be false but plenty of birds were affected. I also plan to reduce my birding activity at lake due to frequent movement of serpents owing to summer heat. Safeguarding family takes priority over any other interest.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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