
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

When not to use spot-metering?

Here are the edited shots of Black-Drongo from Amruthahalli lake walk. They look good and sharp but editing was pain. The black-drongo after a butterfly breakfast stood on the tree branch for a while before leaving the spot.

The last two shots are below. But before presenting them, look at the original picture :-(.

Except the bird, everything else overexposed. This is mistaken use of spot-metering. The spot metering actually focus on the centre-focus point of camera and tries to get a shutter speed accordingly. In my case, the dark plumage of bird tempted camera to use low shutter speed which increased the exposure of surroundings. The morning sun was bright, hence matrix or centre-weighted average would have been best choice. The lessons are learnt from mistakes unfortunately. Now I know that when the subject and its surroundings are bright, do not choose spot-metering (especially when cropping of image involved). Entire frame would go awry. Finally, here are the shots post editing. Despite the properly exposed bird, look at over exposed twigs. That blemishes the overall frame. Perhaps, centre-weighted-average would have uniformly exposed the frame since there was sufficient light on subject. 

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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