
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Close-up of Ashy Prinia and Opinion

13 April 2021

In my primary post of Ashy Prinia, I lamented about not getting clear picture of the bird. Today on the first day of Hindu New Year Calendar (Ugadi), I caught fresh and crisp pictures of the bird which was perched steadily over a small tree top for a while. It was curiously looking for something at distance which helped me to shoot some sharp images of the bird.

During the last section of the lake walk, this bird was curiously looking at something. It gave an opportunity to shoot this bird pretty close. The end images too ended up sharp :-). This was lucky shot obviously! I was lazing due west in search of Yellow Billed Babblers. Looks like they had already finished basking. This futile wait finally turned fruitful at final section due east. Here are bird pictures for you!

We were seriously discussing on photo editing techniques of birds and landscape in one of the lake  WhatsApp groups. I too was interested and expressed my opinion. One of the readers explicitly interjected at our discussion by showing how satisfied is he with mobile shots (in a ludicrous way).He projected our discussion as inconsequential. The same statement also arouse next day unsolicited. I am not condemning anyone here but I like people who respect other's interest. People can shoot great portraits of humans with cell phones and its their interest. Nature enthusiasts like me wish to see a beautiful portrait of landscapes and wild. Hence we try to grab something good from bird pictures which needs larger camera setup. It makes us feel good as well. The remarks like above is something not worth the response and I restrained from replying to mockeries. The mockery too ended. Like the bird photography, patience sometimes helps. Better not to loose our interest by heeding to worthless remarks.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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