
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Rays of Hope

28 April 2020,

The lockdown in Bangalore has been enforced and commenced. The COVID has reached emergency level and situation has aggravated. Virus is giving goosebumps with rapid expansion everyday. Bangalore has seen exponential raise of infections and thus overwhelming medical system. The virus is choking the respiratory system of the affected patients. India seeing surge of COVID cases thanks to mutated virus which has now even become stronger. Medical teams are working on war footing. Plenty of aids reaching from around the corners of country and globe. Still the country with massive population needs more facilities to curtail the panic. Authorities are imploring people to stay home so that medical system won't collapse. Hope the situation soon thaws and there will be normal everywhere.

Meanwhile, our stay is also constricted to four walls of the house. The work stress also increasing. The only de-stress mechanism we have is the apartment terrace.  The day was too hot like any summer day. We went for a walk around 4PM to absorb evening Sun. The area was empty and social distancing was not problem but we were masked up. This is time to have every precaution to be addressed. The studies also scaring that the virus is now airborne. Hence even tiny precautions are not overkill.

The evening Sun was looking gorgeous behind the clouds. The crepuscular rays were magical. The haze though added bit of obscurity to entire image. The edited image was enough to show the crepuscular rays and also colours of atmosphere. Hopefully, we will come out of this pandemic soon with flying colours. Everybody is desperate to move back to normalcy as early as possible. The Sunlight is said to be healer of many diseases as per texts from Ayurveda. On this painful situation, let us pray the lord Sun to shed "rays of hope" on earth and heal the misery soon..

We do not hear engine sounds and honking wagons. The birds are the only sounds we listen. They too are surprised by the city standstill. Everyday, I see parakeets, cormorants flying over the sky which I miss watching closely. I remember the pied bush-chats eagerly posing for my camera due west. The nature is taking peak revenge against mankind. The dearth of oxygen is indirectly pointing at the man made destruction like de-forestation. The degradation of natural resources owing to greed of mankind is being retaliated by mother nature. "You cut oxygen, now you suffer" this is how nature is bashing mankind. Yes, even we are responsible. Our grand home was once hosting trees beneath, enormous trees are cut for those lavish interiors and excessive pollutants are released to environment to produce house materials. Overall, the nature is hinting at mankind to restore those precious natural resources and reduce the greed. Who knows perhaps, the lack of fresh air and natural warmth has bolstered the strength of mutated virus.

Take care everyone! Be strong, take every possible precautions and rest depend on God.


  1. Gorgeous photos of the sky and light ~ glad you can hear birds at least ~ Sending lots of healing energy hugs to you and your people ~ so sad ~ Be Safe ~ Be Well ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Be safe! Prayers and Thoughts of Healing heading your way.
    I hope that you get the relief you need.
    Great photos in the meantime.

  3. Yes... the lockdown scene is the same all over India and the terrace is our only escape to have a glimpse of the outside world. Nice clicks of the sky.

  4. Hope to see the light at the end of the covid tunnel soon
