
Friday, July 30, 2021

The first evening birding at Amruthahalli Lake

05 July 2021

Here we go! We decided to have a detailed stroll along the evening unlocked Amruthahalli Lake today after authorities announced complete unlock of city. Consequently, me and family teamed up and ready to explore the lake at 5PM. The weather was hot and calm. The evening Sun was delightful. Adding to it, visitor presence was feeble. Sparse cloud activity helped with good light for birding/landscape photography. At times, the clouds acted as natural shade when we were baked by radiating sun. Ideally, morning is best for birding when most of them will be out to dry their body, preening and basking. Evening hours are not much significant except for birds flying home. Despite my low expectations, beautiful evening coupled with ideal sunlight added charm to my bird photos. Lets start the attendance sheet

The purple rumped sunbird was busy calling its partner. It soon flew away after listening to my noisy shutter.

This brahminy kite was gazing at something. It was suddenly surprised by the weird shutter sound,  squirming to trace the source of sound.

The parakeet seemed to be feeding someone inside the tree hollow. It seemed grumpy when I began shooting it.

The coots were taking advantage of sunlight and drying their skin

The black kite which are plenty over the city was majestically perched over the tree. For a moment, it was also surprised while I was constantly gazing at it.

The second round to the lake periphery was eventful too!

The Ashy Prinia was seen in usual singing mode!

The white throated kingfisher shifted its perch point away from me to more focus on its prey

The red whiskered bulbul group was not happy with my photo shoot. They immediately turned their faces away as I clicked shutter

Couple of lake shots to conclude

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. love the birds and bright skies over the lake

  2. Beautiful captures with lovely captions!

  3. ...a beautiful and colorful collection.

  4. Wow, you had a productive birding trip and captured some wonderful skies in the process.

  5. I didn't know it was possible for a bird to look grumpy, but that parakeet certainly does!
