
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Bird Series - Indian Robin

I know there are many of them around Bangalore but still could not spot in city till date. Pied-Buschchat dwells nearby Amruthahalli lake but not Indian Robin. In our short picnic towards Dandiganahalli dam, we stopped nearby Jakkalamadagu Lake to have wonderful glimpses of nature. The rains fortunately had just stopped which means an array of birds flew out from the cover to dry out in open. Many of them were perched on electric lines and few on open trees. As I drove down further downhill, I spotted this Indian Robin (male) finally. I was delighted with maiden spotting. The light though was poor. However, the proximity of bird and its boldness allowed me to shoot decent pictures. The bird was perched relatively closer without any fear. Looks like these birds are accustomed human presence. I was not able to get down from car due to persistent drizzle and time constraint. Here are pictures for you!

Plenty of birds were spotted at Dandiganahalli Dam too! I spotted the female Indian Robin here which was relatively close to humans. Rest of them were out of lens reach. Thanks to poor light, the pictures of distant birds were just a dream. Here are pictures of female Indian Robin which tolerated my photo session :-)

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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