
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Unseen Rain

I found this short scribble in my hard drive. There are plenty of such small scribbles lying lazily in digital disk. Here is one of them written long back when world had no outlook of pandemic. Here is one such!

As I crank up my bike from parking lot embracing warm light of evening sun, I stumble upon huge puddle across the road. "What a corrupt authority man they don't even invest paltry government money to civic works, how much greedy the officials are" uttered the disgruntled soul. As I rode away from the office enjoying the warm weather , cooler sky and interspersed clouds, I see everywhere the same puddle scenes swamping the road. But these were clean and transparent unlike drainage water. Oh man the area corporator would have swallowed entire govt corpus by swindling the public money uttered clamorous mind. The heavy traffic further aggravated the ongoing trauma.

Few more distance, the water did not subside. The puddles were all over. It was then realised mind it was rain. Alas! so much futile neural torture for no reason. But the point is, slouching on computer chair striking the keypads entering meeting rooms, covered up floors and the air conditioned space, staring at the black console finding hard to crack the logic that's all we are interested. We forget to enjoy the beautiful evening sun struggling to wriggle out clouds those rains which are foundation of living beings and more than that we forget to identify natural phenomenon. Time to slow down for a while and enjoy the silent art of nature. The sunlight believed to heal many of our disease and we miss those easy healers of nature. Lets mute our work for a while and enjoy the actions of nature for our own good.

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