
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Spot Billed Pelican posing at Rachenahalli Lake

1st August 2021

Bangalore city is witnessing sharp showers during evening hours but are not predictable. This phenomenon is occurring from past one week around 4PM to 8PM time-frame. Even though the showers are fleeting, their impact is enough to soak us completely. 

The plan was to visit the Rachenhalli lake today since it is long due. It has been nearly 4 months since we visited this expansive and well-maintained lake. Today we wanted to visit both for purpose of kids play and birding. The dark clouds threatened to dampen our plans. Fortunately they moved South-West clearing our way to move on with journey.

Initially we saw feeble presence of people at the entrance of lake which made us realise that kids can play easily. Alas! it was only when we neared kids play area we realised that the play area is closed due to pandemic. Disappointment galore and kids were also annoyed. We later visited the lake view point to recall past memories. Pelicans were smoothly wading (apparently) over the lake but I had dropped camera at scooter itself. Disappointment doubled. We exited the primary entrance in a short while.

Later we headed towards back-gate and the caretaker there assured that play area is open. By the time we entered the lake, the pelican was wading over the lake just nearby the boundary. It was easy shot which elated my happiness. Despite the low light, the proximity helped me to take clear shots. Fortunately, the wading pelican too stopped for a while to have snap. Not sure if it was confused by my presence or was trying to trace the sound of shutter. Here are pictures for you

What was that?

Hey buddy! Are you shooting? Let me halt for a while. You can take as many you want.

Are you done buddy? I need to get on with my journey to find better dinner.

Hope you are satisfied! Let me move on. Bye buddy!

After satisfied with photo shoot, the passing showers started pouring over the lake region. Fortunately we had umbrella to cover kids. The rains stopped instantly which allowed us to further walk towards the play area. Some rain shafts mid way. With monsoon slowing down drastically, rain shafts are easier to find

The play area was wet and slushy owing to the fresh rainfall. A little while later, rains started pouring but now we were safe inside the visitor resting area. The rains poured for 5 mins before halting. The play area was completely damp but sun had come out. We walked for few more meters and on return the play area was dry. Children played for a while and I shot this Little Grebe. 

On the way back, the lake gate was locked and caretaker suggested us to take alternate gate. We walked till the fish shop and exited via nearby gate.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

1 comment:

  1. wow! Wonderful nature shots and awesome sky shots ~ glad you had an umbrella ~ Xo

    I apologize for my tardiness in commenting,

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
