
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Birding at Amruthahalli Lake (11th July Edition)

As I have been saying from couple of posts, the tele-lens has lost auto focus and birding has become herculean task with manual focus. The cloud blended sky is supporting much with good light. Unless you have supportive DSLR with faithful reproduction of images at higher ISOs, this weather is not suitable to snap avian creatures. While we have bright sunshine post 9AM for couple of hours, this timeframe is not suitable due to office work. Hence the birding seems to get bleaker everyday except when luck shines during evening hours occasionally.

Meanwhile Monsoon has taken complete backseat and deficit has crossed -35% for this year. With only 45 days left, there is no hope for this season. Time to look for next year monsoon trend. It is time to prepare for possible water crisis stemming in summer next year. We have plenty of clouds over Bangalore but not resulting in any sort of precipitation. Even coast has massive bands parked off Arabian sea but not making into inland due to lack of wind push. Whatever may be the reason, climate change is conspicuous now. It is also worst monsoon year coast has seen in decade.

Lets begin our bird story.

Finally I caught some good shots of coots Enjoying evening weather. They generally take dip whenever I see but unable to capture since it needs either higher ISO or wide aperture. I am happy to capture in still position for now :-)

The Ashy-prinia is my everyday guest. I can find them throughout the lake and easy to capture despite tiny size.

The black drongo was attentive as usual gawking at horizon. I don't know what are they up to. On most occasions, I see them endlessly staring at something

The grey headed swamphen was watching my movements for any threat

The spot billed ducks usually enjoy this part of swamp and seen with family. Sometimes soft light makes it easy to capture them during evening.

The white cheeked barbet was calling kooproo atop bland tree. Not a great shot but enough to write a blog post.

Few days later, we had thunderstorm activity over south of city. Unfortunately, north of city was just a spectator while south city was soaked by monsoon rains. The other lamenting part is north of city also did not see much rains this monsoon season. It was all south which was in action. Few rainbow and storm pictures to conclude

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. have captured so many feathered friends, but you rainbow images are my favorites. A day with a rainbow is indeed a special day!

  2. Lovely birds shots. I like coots too. They are so coot. Your skies are so layered and dense and then poh there's a rainbow. Thanks for the trip to see the birds.

  3. Greetings and Salutations! When I see a rainbow, it is like a miracle even if on a blog. Thank you for your gift of being a photographer and a blogger.

  4. Wow! the rainbow shots are awesome and the feathered friends shots are beautiful ~ lovely post and photos ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Beautiful skies, birds, and even rainbows!!
