
Friday, September 3, 2021

A Short Break from Birding

A short break from birding from couple of weeks. Though the cloudy atmosphere persists, weak monsoon condition is prevailing in coast. The Bangalore city witnessed good rainfall activity for 10 days nearly. The coast was supposed to get healthy rains from August last week but it did not realize. The monsoonal winds have been quirky this year thanks to magnetic equatorial regions driving all clouds to Indo-Malayan region. The equatorial regions saw floods and landslides while the Indian West coast was disappointed with subdued monsoon condition. With only a month left in monsoon, it is time to loose hope this year and hopefully next year we will have normal monsoon.

Meanwhile, I gave my camera for service to clean the sensor and mirror. Also I sold all idle lenses which I am not using (around 5) and bought a budget tele lens to nourish my birding hobby. The lens is yet to arrive and camera is in service centre. Hence this week its fairly domination of landscapes from neighbouring lakes than birds. Hope you enjoy!

A reflection evening at Rachenahalli Lake. It was beautiful day but without DSLR. Perhaps the subsequent weeks seem to be eventful with arrival of new tele-lens and rejuvenated camera after service. Keeping fingers crossed!


  1. ...everything is lovely and green!

  2. Beautiful shots. Cameras need regular maintenance. I have yet to get my sensor cleaned. I'm inspired by you!!

  3. Greetings and Salutations! Great job on photographs. Remembering camera maintenance is a good choice. Be safe.

  4. Beautiful photos. My favorite is the last one. Always fun looking forward to a new lens!

  5. Beautiful 😍

  6. Wow! That last picture was so great!

  7. Love the reflection of the sky in the water
