
Monday, September 13, 2021

Birding at Amruthahalli Lake (01 September 2021 edition)

My old camera is newly serviced and new lens for birding provided twosome happiness. Today I took the mighty lens with serviced camera to Amruthahalli lake and I was impressed by its performance even in low light. I was able to get crisp and sharp images of avian creatures even though bright sun was absconding. Thanks to prevailing clouds, the light is not quite great even during day time. Despite all the negative feedback that was dominating in internet, this lens for sure performed quite well even in dull light. The post processing needed little work thanks to the clarity provided by lens. To add upon, the serviced camera helped to me capture spotless pictures which earlier was a problem.

Here is how new journey gets started with new lens!

The Indian pond Heron was busy with its breakfast session. Despite the distance, look how great image turned out to be :-). I was enthralled after the final outcome post image editing!

The Ashy-Prinia was over the twig calling its partner. Later it frantically was trying to trace source of shutter sound once I started cleaning. I was amazed by the depth of clarity the lens captured under low light as well being distant.

The next action is from thicket due west as usual.

The parakeets were seen guarding their home i.e. tree hole. Looks like there is intense competition to grab these abandoned trees for dwelling between mynas and parakeets. I have seen them umpteen times fighting for the tree holes.

The oriental white eye too came quite good in dull light. I was pleased with the picture quality and true colour reproduction after post processing.

The red-whiskered bulbuls were busy preening and singing over electric lines and twigs.

The scaly breasted munia was hard to grab in low light due to its dark plumage. The post give good picture overall.

Once my thicket exploration completed, I move on to next area where there is stiff competition between mynas and parakeets for tree-hole. Currently this is being held by parakeets. I see at least one of them guarding the home. One of them was munching breakfast and those moments filled my eyes & lens. It seemed as if parakeet was offering me breakfast :-).

As I moved on, the glossy ibis captured my eyes. The White Ibis flew away but the glossy ibis decided to wait and watch. I was able to get some good glimpse of it thanks to its patience :-). The bird was initially firm in its position and stood firm clearing all its apprehensions. Later it continued with food probing once it was confident that I was not a threat. I too moved on for my next bird.

The Bronze Winged Jacana (immature) was easy grab today thanks to reach of lens. The images came out crisp despite the dull light. I could see its plumage clearly which is all bird photographer yearns for.

Some closeup of Gray headed swamp-hen. These birds seemed to annoyed with me today. Despite foraging closer to periphery, I did not take them seriously during photo-shoot. Consequently they seemed to be uninterested in showing up :-)

The coot was busy preening. It was rigorously preening through every nook & cranny of its body for better health. Even though it heard shutter sound, the bird did not seem to heed to it. Perhaps, they are used to it now.

Overall, I have now excellent gear to capture avian creatures. All shots were handheld and I was impressed by the image outcome despite the dull light. Hope to explore more unique avian critters in my village.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries


  1. Fabulous shots of the birds with your newly serviced camera.

  2. ...I've only seen a parakeet in a cage, it nice to see in the wild.

  3. Magnificent photos of our beautiful feathered friends ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Beautiful captures. I really like the feeding parakeet photos!

  5. Beautiful birds! Thanks for your blog visit.
