
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Need some breakfast buddy?!

As I mentioned in my previous post here, I am thoroughly enjoying the birding with new lens which has extended reach. While I mentioned a brief about the munching parakeet, this post is extended version of those breakfast moments as visualised by mind :-D. Lets start munching the breakfast!

It looks like there is stiff fight between mynas and parakeets to occupy tree holes for dwelling. Yeah! survival of fittest. It also means that looking for nearest food joints. Perhaps, this tree hole is fortunate for everyone due to presence of edible breakfast. Currently, the tree hole is occupied by parakeets and they patrol tightly for any invaders.

Here is how notional conversation begins!

Hey buddy want some breakfast. It tasty yummy! I have to live with options nearby my house or else mynas will invade my sweet home. You humans have made our survival difficult.

I am asking you with polite and honour. Just little would enlighten me :-)

Wow! That's big one. Don't eye my breakfast buddy. If you want I can tend some. We have limited resource here in city. Be polite with us.

Its edible buddy. See I am easily surviving with this kind of food

Ok. This is last chance I am giving. You want it or not? Or else let me conclude.

Just a piece left buddy. Your last chance to savour tasty breakfast.

OK. You are disinterested. Thanks for leaving breakfast for me alone. Have a great day!

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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