
Monday, October 18, 2021

Crested Goshawk over Tamarind Tree

The new entry in my bird spotting is Crested Goshawk. It was hot midday and I casually walked towards the forest for a while to check any insane birds would come out during blistering day light. The commoner is none other than Loten's Sunbird but difficult to grab despite being large in number. Their rapid movements and agility is difficult to match with camera's processor. I abandoned snapping it. As I went near Tamarind tree, this bird arrived from north and perched for a break may be. Perhaps, it did not notice me initially. My first impression was if it was Asian Koel(female) and later I thought it might be female Shikra. After edits, google lens clearly identified it as crested Goshawk. I verified inside out information of this bird and realized that the bird is present primarily in west coast of India near forests. I got second confirmation from eminent birder in twitter as well. Being sharp and clear image, it was easy to recognize bird. Here is series of crested goshawk for you! I was happy to be out on midday and happy that there are critters insane like me :-D. I like it when perched on single leg. Initially, I presumed that bird may be injured but injury cannot have such aggressive look. Looks like its signature position to be vigilant and hunt the prey.

One thing I learned was that keep the exposure low during midday. I reduced exposure to -1.3EV to get clear image of bird. Even the -0.6EV pictures were overexposed in actual. It resulted in plenty of image processing steps to eliminate overexposed regions. It is better to correctly expose pictures than spend excess time in post processing. Too much of post processing is painful on most occasions especially when you have large amount of pictures to edit and a slow computer.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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