
Monday, October 18, 2021

Screaming peacock

This peacock was majestically perched over Mango tree flaunting its fully developed feathers. At times it was periodically screaming for not known purpose. One observation I could derive from work table is that for every thunder roar, this peacock provided counter scream. The process repeatedly for nearly 2hrs standing at the same position. I loved its patience or is it that bird assumed that soon it would rain? Perhaps it needed a thick cover before rains would commence and hence waited under thick canopy of mango tree. Perhaps, its farsightedness of managing huge pile of feathers post rains would have prompted it to pre-empt the possible difficult. Alas! It did not rain :-D and bird descended after long perch of 2hrs. The thunder persisted but bird was confident enough that rains wouldn't show up.  Meanwhile the bird was screaming quite loud and was interrupting my meetings as well :-D. But I did not feel irritated, rather enjoyed its presence. Such soothing is mother nature. I muted whenever bird  screamed in high amplitude.

The bird later descended from tree and wandered near work place. I managed some more close up shots but not a good shot of feathers since the bird did not spread it :-).

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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