
Monday, October 18, 2021

The Baya-Weaver layout in Palmyra palm tree :-)

Finally I dusted off the bicycle and decided to go for a short cycle ride across the village. Believe me it was memorable and fruitful both from landscape and birding perspective. So lets get started.

Before starting the bicycle, lot of scepticism crept-in whether to ride or not. The towering clouds due east threatened to pour in a while. There were signs of rain but the clouds were eastward. I looked at them and realized that they are slow moving. Those clouds generally don't bring much rain. If at all they bring, that would be only after 7PM. Hence I had this blind confidence that it would not rain. The evening light was soft and perfect for shooting verdant landscape. My first stop was nearby the canopy of village where I heard vernal hanging parrots again. But they were inside the canopy and I could not expect much.

The next stop was the fields after a down path of mud road. Wow! that Palmyra palm tree had Baya weaver dwelling at finishing stage. Many of them were crafting their nest to impress their partner. Each one of them were noisily engineering their future home to begin new partnership. That was a worthwhile visit today evening! Here is picture series.

While males were busy weaving their dream home to impress partner and build future family, this female was happily inspecting each and every house for stability. It was savouring evening snacks as well, perhaps gifted by one of male :-).

Someone was closely monitoring the construction work from beneath the canopy. That was dark and I barely managed to snap this hawk. That should be crested goshawk again looking at its raised leg. Not sure if it was monitoring or eyeing for a meal :-). Later it flew away after spotting my presence. Hence only one pic this time

Later I shot some landscape too! That was majestic to watch as well.

The next section of paddy field array was filled with birds foraging on grains. They were primarily parakeets. Apart from them, we had bee-eaters. The surprise ones were ashy wood swallows. This is my maiden spotting of the birds. Here is a picture. I will share  rest in separate post

The stream where plenty of birds used to be present was occupied by fisherman. Hence most of the birds which used to appear here for hunt would have moved to other location. The other aspect is that the flowing water is not ideal for fishing to birds like kingfisher.

That was worthwhile visit today evening. I was impressed by the presence of Baya weaver layout. A day much fulfilled and satisfied.

Check out my Bird Series blogs here : NKBirdSeries

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